“MOVE” Charity Donation Project

★ Harmony’s Message ★
“We have delivered Taemin’s MOVE album to Taemin’s alma mater Sinhak Elementary School, the TV program associated Gyeonggi Arts High School, youth dreaming of becoming dance performers in school dance clubs, university students majoring in design and fashion, and visually impaired people from each region who find joy in music or are artists themselves. We hope to have become a little strength for all your dazzling days.” @HarmonyTaemin
★ About ★
One of our members was kind enough to donate, in the name of “SHINee USA”, 450 of Taemin’s “MOVE” album to organizations for the visually impaired! ^^ We are very grateful and honored to be included in this project thanks to the generosity of our SHINee USA member~! According to Harmony, the ones who received our albums are shown in image #3. This project was one of many charity projects hosted by Harmony (shown in the images above). Thank you Harmony for your hard work & our donor for this wonderful gift! We sincerely hope all who received albums are able to enjoy Taemin’s music~