[Recap] Lookout Ep. 9/10
![[Recap] Lookout Ep. 9/10](https://i0.wp.com/shineeusa.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Ep910_4.jpg?fit=800%2C534&ssl=1)
(Photo Source)
Written by Krysti @oppasofkpop
We find Prosecutor Oh and Chief Prosecutor Seung Ro meeting to discuss Oh’s future. The only way Oh was going to take the blame would be to bring Seung Ro down with him. Seung Ro felt no threat by the this and explained that no matter what Oh chose, he would have the the final say. Like a broken teacup it can’t be fixed but it can be replaced. Prosecutor Do Han meets with Seung Ro in hopes of taking Prosecutor Oh’s place. In return he promises he will be the one to catch Soo Ji. With the announcements of Oh’s resignation and Do Han’s subtle promotion, Kyungsoo applauds him for his survival skills.
We are hit with a sudden flash forward to Soo Ji being caught while in disguise! Back in the present we find ourselves at the police precinct where we are introduced to the Head of Joint Task Force Park Joon Pyo. He’s also the reason for the return of Prosecutor Eun Jung, who would prefer catching her to Do Han. Do Han states he has a way of tracking down Soo Ji and her accomplices. Bomi is seen crying as recollects the horrible night her family was killed only to be interrupted by their next mission.
“Put him where he belongs.”
Their next target is sexual assault criminal Lee Jang Soo, whose court hearing is upcoming. Along with their mission, a warning is given out to Soo Ji to only follow orders they’re given. Patrolling outside the courthouse, Soo Ji and the gang learn Jang Soo has been found “Not Guilty” due to lack of evidence and the statute of limitations had been reached. Quietly Soo Ji asks Kyungsoo to look into the case and find any connection there may be to Seung Ro. Sadly Sae Im, the victim’s father is seen crying as he recalls the night they received the phone call from the ER. She was involved in a hit a run, but what struck the doctors as odd was that her underwear was missing. Having overheard this information Sae Im’s father searched the surrounding grounds where she was found and discovered her underwear in the woods.
Back at the high school, Chief Prosecutor Seung Ro’s son, Shi Wan, discovers that the girl who everyone claims to have a crush on him is actually the daughter of Police Officer Soon Ae. After school, Shi Wan is picked up by his mother and a bodyguard. A quick flashback proves that his mother did in fact see the sadistic smile spread across his face in back at the precinct. Whether the bodyguard is for him or the safety of others is still uncertain. Either way he is being monitored at all times.
Back at the precinct, the cyber investigation team sets a trap to catch Soo Ji’s accomplice hacker. Using Jang Soo as bait, they learn that’s where Soo Ji is heading and are able to locate Kyungsoo! Do Han secretly records the plan as it goes awry when he can’t get the message out fast enough to the Boss. Eun Jung suspects him and holds him to his place, but not before sending a recording to the boss.
Bomi receives word that they need to stop working in the case immediately. A panicked Kyungsoo does his best to hide his trail while Soo Ji attempts to make a run for it after placing a tracker on Jang Soo’s car! Soo is caught for a second but barely makes an escape. Police are now on their way to Kyungsoo!
Following their lead the police head to Jang Soo’s place to catch Soo Ji. Kyungsoo rushes to clear any traces of his tracking from the database, while Soo Ji tries to flee from Jang Soo’s apartment. Time is running out, Soo Ji barely escapes and the cops are at Kyungsoo’s door! Barging in, the cops catch a bunch of kid hackers that Kyungsoo was able to redirect the source of the hack to!
Running out of patience, Soo Ji takes it upon herself to find the boss even if it means Bomi never being able to leave her apartment. If Bomi helps the Boss, she’ll never be able to locate the criminal behind her family’s death. Soo Ji won’t allow herself to sit back and live in hiding while Shi Wan is living his life like nothing is wrong.
In order to bring peace between his “noonims”, Kyungsoo takes a trip to the church with Soo Ji not far behind. Kyungsoo leaves note in confession and moments later Do Han calls for confession. Bomi finally contacts Kyungsoo after trying to ignore Jang Soo’s actions because he picked up a young lady in his cab. Soo Ji enters the church for confession but little does she know Do Han is on the other side coincidently waiting for the Boss.
Do Han silently takes her confession. Upon Soo Ji’s departure the Boss, a priest, enters the church making no effort to truly acknowledge her. Boss enters confession with Do Han where he passes along Kyungsoo’s note about the “noonims” fighting and what is going to be done now. Boss explains that the gang is growing suspicious of Do Han. Soo Ji wracks her brain for where she remembers seeing the Boss before and returns to the church. Questioning the Boss, she realizes it’s someone hiding behind him who is truly the one in charge.
“Your eyes are telling me you know everything.”
The priest quickly assures Soo Ji she is mistaken and walks away. Kyungsoo calls Soo Ji explaining what Jang Soo is up to. Going against the Boss’s orders they decide to persuade him. Kyungsoo is happy with his “Unification of the Koreas”. Glancing over, Soo Ji takes notice of the confession light still on and approaches. Unsure of who’s behind the door she opens it! Will she find Do Han? Will it be empty?
Soo Ji knows the real leader is someone else and asks Kyung Soo to check her phone. The priest also notices that she’s onto them. An important looking woman arrives with a large press asking about the truth behind Soo Ji’s case. Meanwhile an anxious Kyung Soo is spotted by someone! Find out what happens next on Episode 11~!
Episode 9 was so much. I felt like so much happened. I’m still waiting to find out why Bomi is stuck in her apartment. What did Kyungsoo do to be a part of all this? How can Shi Wan’s mother live with herself after seeing him smile that way!!! Do Han really is a clever snake. He has such a way with words. I’m so flip flop with him. When he’s Prosecutor Do Han, I hate his guts. When he’s Do Han and shows his “concerned” side I feel for him and how he’s trying to help Soo Ji and the gang. It also seems to me that Do Han is the boss and Father is just a pawn – the same way Prosecutor Oh was to Seung Ro.
Viewership ratings
Ep. 9
Nielsen: 6.8%
Ep. 10
Nielsen: 7.5%
TNMS: 6.8%