Author: SHINee USA

[Concert] SHINee World 2018 THE BEST ~FROM NOW ON~ [2/17~2/27]

[Concert] SHINee World 2018 THE BEST ~FROM NOW ON~ [2/17~2/27]

SHINEE’S 4th JAPANESE DOME TOUR STARTS THIS WINTER: FEB. 17-18 & 26-27 IN OSAKA AND TOKYO~! SHINee RETURNS as 5 in Japan for SHINee World 2018 THE BEST ~ FROM NOW ON ~ Dome Tour~! Dates: Feb 17-18 & 26-27. On Jan 9th, SHINee announced on 

SHINee Best Of The Best Playlist: Poll #3 (Japanese 2011-2017)

SHINee Best Of The Best Playlist: Poll #3 (Japanese 2011-2017)

ABOUT New fans come into our fandom all the time and with SHINee’s discography being SO LARGE it’s hard for new fans to know where to start. For the next month, we will be taking a Shawol poll of YOUR favorite songs so we can 

Jonghyun: “Poet | Artist” 2ND KOR. ALBUM RELEASE 1/23~!

Jonghyun: “Poet | Artist” 2ND KOR. ALBUM RELEASE 1/23~!

  SM announced on Jan. 19th that Jonghyun’s 2nd album “Poet | Artist” will be released posthumously on Jan. 24th, 2018. The comes following his final concert series “Inspired” held this past December 9-10. The album photoshoot and title song MV were shot/recorded prior to 

SHINee Best Of The Best Playlist: Poll #2 (Korean 2012-2017)

SHINee Best Of The Best Playlist: Poll #2 (Korean 2012-2017)

(Image Source) ABOUT New fans come into our fandom all the time and with SHINee’s discography being SO LARGE it’s hard for new fans to know where to start. For the next month, we will be taking a Shawol poll of YOUR favorite songs so 

SHINee Best of the Best Playlist: Poll #1 (Korean 2008-2011)

SHINee Best of the Best Playlist: Poll #1 (Korean 2008-2011)

(Image Source) About New fans come into our fandom all the time and with SHINee’s discography being SO LARGE it’s hard for new fans to know where to start. For the next month, we will be taking a Shawol poll of YOUR favorite songs so 

2018 SHINee Variety Shows

2018 SHINee Variety Shows

** Since a lot of these links are unofficial, please do not be surprised if they expire. If you find one is broken please let us know and we will try to replace it if possible~! ^^** 180122 – Keyword#BoA (Key) | V Live Teaser, 

Jonghyun Bio

Jonghyun Bio

[Admin Note] Preparing a bio at this point in time seems impossible. It seems really daunting to type anything because how could you possibly summarize a person? In a paragraph? In 20 paragraphs? In a novel? It’s impossible. But I hope that this will give 

USA Jonghyun Vigils #JonghyunYouDidWell

USA Jonghyun Vigils #JonghyunYouDidWell

  Shawols came out in droves all across the US during the weeks following Dec. 18th to show our love for Jonghyun via candlelight vigils – a tradition where candles are lit to remember a lost loved one. It was a difficult time for many 

Taemin: “MOVE-ing” 2nd Kor. Album Repackage Release 12/10~!

Taemin: “MOVE-ing” 2nd Kor. Album Repackage Release 12/10~!

TAEMIN’S 2ND ALBUM REPACKAGE “MOVE-ing”… … Comes just 2 months after the release of his 2nd full album “MOVE“! The new album will have the original 9 tracks from “MOVE” plus an additional 4 new songs, featuring the new title track “Day and Night”, a 

[Drama] Minho: ‘세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별’ / ‘The Most Beautiful Goodbye’ Info~!

[Drama] Minho: ‘세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별’ / ‘The Most Beautiful Goodbye’ Info~!

Release Date: December 9, 2017 Network: tvN Time Slot: Daily, Saturday-Sunday 9am KST (12/9 ~ 12/17) Episode Length: Genre: Drama Role: Jung Soo Homepage: tvN 세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별 Homepage Stream: Coming Soon (see Twitter for temp streams) Subtitles: Twitter Synopsis “The Most Beautiful Goodbye”