Hi Shawols~! We’re back with another project! During our last project, we were able to show our love and support for SHINee during their “Story of Light” promotions with a food support project during their final week of performances for “Our Page”. We would like to take donations to do the same type of support project for Key’s solo debut! This time, our project host will be @KeysYou, who has supported Key with a lot of projects over the years. They have been very generous to allow us to help out with their latest project~ ^^ This is where we need your help~!
We will be collecting donations via Paypal through this form. Please read carefully and be timely with your donations~! We need to have everything prepared in advance so Key can receive our food and gifts on time~! As always, thank you for your support! ^^
Donations Close: 11/28
★UPDATE 3/2/19★
Hi Shawols, since the 3rd week of Key’s promotional cycle for “One of Those Nights” was cancelled we had to make arrangements for a different food support date. In the end, we chose to do a food support for Key’s final pre-recording of “Amazing Saturday” before his enlistment on March 4th. ^^ Here below are photos of the day with translations~! We also were able to include a letter for Key which KeysYou wrapped up nicely for us and sent with the truck~! In it, we told Key how much we loved watching him on Amazing Saturday, how great FACE was…. we included messages from our donors, & well wishes for his enlistment! See below for all the photos~! And thank you so much everyone for your patience! We’re glad the project could be completed successfully ^^
Stand Up Banner Translation (the one Key’s hugging):
“Once an Ace always an Ace”
“Thank you for everything Amazing Saturday”
“You’ve worked hard Key-oro” (t/n: pet name Key + Hero)
“★ D-Day is October, 7th, 2020 ★
Key has to return so Amazing Saturday, so don’t go anywhere please!!
KEY WANNA BE always together with tVN”
” I don’t know what to do without “mo-Key-dda”
By now I can’t help it I want to always live by “mo-Key-dda”
“Mo-Key-dda” will forever be the truth of life”
(t/n: short for “just follow Key when you don’t know the answer” – 모를땐 키를 따라가야 맞춘다 = 모키따)
Banner Above Truck:
“Thank you for everything Amazing Saturday
You’ve worked hard Key-oro
KEY WANNA BE always together with tVN”
Instagram Post:
“You’ve worked hard Key-oro (Amazing Saturday pet name for Key (Key+hero 키+히어로))
Mr. Kim (coffee) was together with Key on set for his last day of filming for #Amazing Saturday before enlistment.
The fans who ordered tasty beverages with #basil-tomato-toast and #handmade-strawberry-croissant are awesome It was amazing how these fans even requested unlimited beverages
Arriving on set very early to prepare generously. It’s a venue we’re quite used to, so preparations went very smoothly.
We prepared generously but a flood of staff members came up and asked when we would open upon seeing the coffee truck hehe so we felt good even before starting
We began quickly for the waiting staff!! The toast we made fresh on the spot disappeared frighteningly fast and the strawberry croissants that are ready to be eaten also sold out
The staff said, “It was so delicious can I have another one?” … “Of course” (we replied) … “You may eat a lot” hehe We really prepared generously
The star of the show, Key, had an apple cinnamon latte and greeted us happily
He really looked quite cool, diligently filming up to his enlistment.. The most popular menu items were apple cinnamon latte, hand-made lemonade, iced cider energy drinks, and more
The support for Mr. Key continued up to the break after filming the first segment, when the cast members ate deliciously. This was a huge success thanks to our team.
Let’s meet again after your discharge~ Promise ”
Cup Sleeve Translation:
“Once an Ace always an Ace
You’ve worked hard Key-oro (pet name Key + Hero)”
It was even more delicious since it was grilled fresh on site It was a very delicious time because we prepared with our whole hearts
We had a wonderful time
This are our babies Mr. Kim made himself right before the support
The great combination of fresh strawberries and sweet cream
★Letter to KEY from SHINee USA★
USA Shawol Messages:
“Thank you for giving us beautiful music that feeds our souls and colors our world!” “Your releases have been a source of strength and happiness for so many of us.” “Please do all the things that make you happy – both on stage & off stage.” “We all love the unique qualities about you that don’t fit into a mold, because only you can be you!” “Whether it’s singing, acting, or variety, we’ll support you the whole way!” “Always proud of you~!”
Once again, thank you everyone for your support! Please be sure to give “One of Those Nights” & “I Wanna Be” a lot of love until Key’s return~! ^^
Thank you so much for your hard work.
You’re very welcome! ^^ Always glad to support SHINee & Shawols~!