Key: Grimae Awards – Best New Actor

Key Wins Best New Actor Award at the Grimae Awards (그리메 시상식)~!
Yesterday in Korea, on Dec. 8th, Key attended the 2017 Grimae Awards where he was nominated by Korean camera directors to receive the Best New Actor award for his role as Kyungsu in ‘Lookout‘. He uploaded a selca afterwards to his Instagram bumkeyk (pictured above) ^^ “Yahoo! #GrimaeAwards” Congratulations our actor Key!
Acceptance Speech
“This year I’ve greeted you as Gong Kyungsoo in the work: “The Guardians“. Thank you for giving me an award together with such respected seniors. (Gives his Thanks to the drama staffs) To the public and in the future I will show you a good appearance as SHINee’s Key. Thank you! – Key (Source: @fantaemsie)
[S포토] 샤이니 #키, '신인 연기자상 수상' (2017 그리메상 시상식)
— 리나 (@JHJH_Lena) December 8, 2017
2017 그리메상 시상식
ㅠㅠ 기범아..추카해 ㅠㅠ #기범 #key #샤이니키 #キー #SHINee— human-lock (@bumk9th23) December 8, 2017
2017 그리메상 시상식
신인상 받은 기버미💕💕 추카해#기범 #key #샤이니키 #キー #SHINee— 키스유 / 까만하트♥ (@keysyou) December 8, 2017