SHINee World OFFICIAL Fanclub OPEN!!!!

Yes! You read that right! After 10 long years, SHINee World is officially open again for membership! This guide is not intended to be perfect. There’s a lot about the sign up process that’s unknown and still buggy and this guide doesn’t pretend to know the answers to everything. But we will start with what we do know since some of us have signed up successfully.
- To start, the fanclub is managed through an app called “Lysn”. You can download it here: US iTunes App store or US Google Play store.
- Register for Lysn. Use your cellphone number because you will have validation codes sent there.
- Go to “Community”, “Recommended Communities”, select “SHINee WORLD (샤이니월드)” [should have an official yellow check]
- Register for SHINee World.
- Congrats!! At this point, you are now a Basic member of SHINee World! Read the boys’ latest messages where the photo posts are. ^^
- **Click here for the official LYSN Ace Membership guide!**
Admin Notes:
– At this point is where things get tricky. Go ahead and start by signing up for Yes24 first. You’re going to need it to purchase the Ace membership.
– Ace membership is going to cost 35,000 won for the first year (77,000 won w/ shipping to the US) because of the membership kit (includes card)
– Membership renewal is yearly and costs 15,000 won every year after the first.Tips & Tricks:
– Yes24 is buggy.
– You may need to try using Yes24 on different internet browsers. Korea prefers to use Internet Explorer and Windows compatible programs for banking. You do not have to use Yes24 on mobile. You can copy and paste the URL link given in the app to your computer.
– Your credit card company may reject your card without telling you. If you go through the process and get rejected, call your bank to see if there’s a hold.
– If you’re in a pinch and it’s not working for you, you CAN use a card that’s not under your own name. So, if you have a Shawol friend that’s successful who you trust, they can use your Yes24 account to sign up for you. Yes24 only allows one SHINee World membership per Yes24 account.
– The purchase confirmation code from Yes24 must be redeemed on Lysn within the hour.
– If you are having difficulties, please feel free to comment on our Twitter thread linked at the end of this post and we will try to help you as best we can! Please read what we’ve already answered because there may already be a solution found~ ^^
- Do NOT share you card information. This includes the barcode because it can be scanned! The number and barcode are unique to YOU. It doesn’t change between Basic -> Ace.
- Do NOT use fake information. Be sure to sign up with information that can be matched to your passport at foreign events.
- Do NOT share content from Ace membership online!
- DO read the rules and regulations carefully! (Select the “Latest Posts” menu -> “RULES”)
- “Friends” – You can change your main Lysn profile on the main screen under the “Friends” section. You can also find your QR code here to share with friends & look at your membership card. (You can also look at your membership card in the settings of the SHINee World community)
- SHINee World Profile: To modify your profile in “SHINee World”, go to the SHINee World community, select “Settings”, “View Members”, edit your profile (can be different from main Lysn profile). You can also turn on the “Translation” feature here. It will add a button to every post that allows you to auto translate text. (Not sure how accurate it is)
- The calendar currently matches the Official Schedule but doesn’t have every event. This may change in the future, but until then, please keep using the Official Schedule.
- SHINee World J will be collaborating with the Korean fanclub but it’s not clear yet in what capacity.
- Announcements about SHINee’s pre-recordings, concerts, etc. that you can find on the website Notice board can now be found on the app! (Select the “Latest Posts” menu -> “NOTICE”)
- We’ve also made a community on Lysn since most Shawols will be on there now. Just search “SHINee USA” and you should be able to find us ^^ We’ve made the group as open as we can so you guys can have fun with it. Come stop by, use the chatroom, & make friends~!
✦Welcome to the SHINee World!✦
[Admin Note] For anyone looking for tips or suggestions for how to join the Official SHINee World Fanclub, feel free to leave a comment on this tweet and I'll try to answer with what I know ^^
Here is a guide:
(@SHINeeUSAForums) February 15, 2019
I love you SHINee.