170703 Former President Obama Mentions SHINee at 8th Asian Leadership Conference

Former US President Barack Obama Mentions SHINee at the 8th Asian Leadership Conference in Seoul~!
Barack Obama, 2017 (full speech here)
“You’ve [South Korea] also become an exporter of popular culture to the rest of the world. Some of our young people in America have even learned to speak some Korean so they can keep up with the band “SHINee”. In exchange, I understand SHINee has developed a passion for America’s In-N-Out Burgers. So we have much to be proud of.”
Key Instagram Post (see below)
Thanks for mentioning us, Mr. Obama.
SHINee will do our best for the growth of global ‘pop culture’.
and YES! We do love ‘IN-N-OUT’ 🙂
#FormerUSPresident#BarackObama#SHINee#innout#인앤아웃 오바마 전 대통령님! 샤이니 언급해주셔서 너무 감사합니다. 저희는 앞으로도 문화 발전에 힘쓸것이며 . 네 저희는 인앤아웃을 무척이나 좋아합니다 <3