K-Con 2016 in LA: FanAccount

ADMIN MUSIC: K-Con LA Fan Account
Saturday, July 30th, 2016
I woke up at around 8am to go to the venue at 10am but was terrified at the long line that formed at the entrance. So instead, I grabbed a quick breakfast and waited until the line got shorter. Once I got inside, I went straight to the SHINee Forums International booth. There I met with one of the Admins and began volunteering! ^^
It is nice when Shawols work together and help each other out. SFI helped SHINee USA with our support banner project. There were 2,000 copies of the banner which were to be given out for free. I was one of the volunteers that was passing them out. I decided to walk around the venue to give the banners out and to also spread the word about the SFI fan-booth for our Shining SHINee. What I love about volunteering is that you meet new Shawols. We are one big FAMILY! <3. So, if we get another SHINee fanmeet or better, a SHINee World US Tour, please do volunteer! We managed to give out all 2,000 banners by 3pm. Yeah, that fast! It was tiring but when you work with other Shawols it quickly fades and you don’t realize how tired and sore you are until the next day. hehehe :)) But believe me it is fun!!
What’s really fun about this too is that Shawols will run to you or run after you and say “I found other Shawols!!” or “MY KIND!!” ..I love SHINee World! T^T
Red Carpet
My ticket was a P3 so I didn’t get anything but an audience pass. We all knew that SHINee wasn’t going to do a fan engagement, so while me and another Shawol were giving out the banners we saw two other fans who were selling their Red Carpet passes. In a heartbeat, I bought the pass because I knew SHINee would be there. Don’t ask how much I paid. According to my friend I offered way more than I should have. T^T So, we get in line for the Red Carpet event and it was HOT. However, all that waiting was worth it! I got to see the other artists and when SHINee came out looking like dashing CEOs of SM, I swear I shouted so much my voice was half gone. XD
In Line and Getting in
This part is short to write but that line wasn’t! I kid you not, it was awful. But if you have Shawols with you, it passes by fast. ^^ I was so anxious to get in. We passed through the metal detector to get inside and once in, me and my other friend RAN!!!
The Wait and MC Kim Kibum
Okay, I completely lost it when Key came out and hosted the event. He and his presence alone got me all emotional. So as his introduction ended. My life ended right there and then too. XD JK!
(Source: Hello Asia!)
Shawols are allowed to like other artists right? So, mine was Dean and Amber. I lost my mind when those two came out. ^^; So, I was just there jamming on everything and every time Key came out to talk, I lost a little bit of my life too. and then, the actual time finally came…
Shining SHINee is back!
Every light was turned off and only the lightsticks gave light. Everyone was focused on the VCR of SHINee playing, reliving the years they have taken over the world and every Shawol’s life. As the VCR ended, SHINee rose from below the stage and the spotlight was on them. It was so beautiful. I started tearing up. The opening song was the “Replay” remix from SWC IV Seoul. From there on my soul left my body. Jonghyun’s high note in the beginning gave me life!
I didn’t forget to raise my banner and wave my three lightsticks making me a Shawol Wolverine. I waved so hard it felt like my arms would come off and I sang and cheered like my life depended on it. ^^
As the intro ended, “VIEW” started playing. I screamed my lungs out and sang the whole song. Of course our fanchants were crazy. I mean I couldn’t tell at the time but I saw videos and heard how beautiful the fanchants were afterwards. ^^ I jumped crazy and sang crazy, that I’m sure of.
After “View” began the “talk” section and SHINee introduced themselves one by one. After that and the cuteness that is SHINee… “An Encore” started playing….
(Source: Hello Asia!)
And I cried so hard. I have a video of it but I would not dare post it. Hahaha! Me and the Shawol sitting next to me actually cried so hard together. It was SO BEAUTIFUL… T^T I wish they had walked and moved closer but that’s fine.. When Jonghyun hit that solo high note everyone just lost their mind. It was such a powerful performance that I couldn’t ask for more.
As that ended, “Beautiful” started playing. So, basically SHINee got Shawols so emotional then seconds after they got us so HYPED!! Oh boy, I started jumping and dancing again. At this point, they started walking all over the stage and dancing. I personally love the choreo for this song because I can actually dance to it. XD I didn’t really memorize the fanchant for this but I basically sang all the songs so that counts as a chant! It was such a fun performance. As the song ended, Key started talking and said this “I know you guys are waiting for our new album” and then he said something that crushed my entire being… “So, this will be our last song…”
Everybody, Wake up!
I swear, the cheers got even louder! I didn’t how that was possible but it was crazy! I am pretty sure every Shawol in the building nailed the fanchant for this. My throat was hurting so much already but I didn’t care at all. Our boys were perfect. Everything was so perfect. Not only Shawols cheered during that night but also other fans. SHINee received so much love that I wanna thank the other fans that welcomed our boys with all their heart. SHINee gave us such a powerful performance and I’m sure everyone felt that. There are no words to describe the feeling I felt during those moments.
I was actually a little disappointed during the ending because the other artists were given the chance to come to the end of the stage and get close with the fans but SHINee was denied that. Key was about to head there but was stopped for some reason. I don’t know if it was because he had to MC but I saw that he wanted to go there and get closer. Key said his final words as an MC and after that we saw a little bit of JongKey happening too. Hehehe! So all the artists were bowing and slowly leaving the stage but our SHINee were the last to leave. Of course, our tenderheart Choi looked like he didn’t wanna leave. This is what Masternim and Admin Music like so much about Choi Minho – he waves at us like there’s no tomorrow. He makes us feel like they really don’t want leave. He does this every time, everywhere. He is always the last to leave… As Minho’s figure was totally gone.. my heart broke. My legs gave out. It’s all done…
So, after all this I only have one thing to say…